Tuition and Finances

LIC makes your college education affordable.

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Tuition & Fees

For the 2022-23 school year, our tuition rates are as follows:

  • Per credit hour:
  • Per 3-credit course:
  • Annual cost for full-time students (30 credits):
  • Total cost of tuition for a degree:

Additional Costs:

$150 Registration Fee

$150 Graduation Fee

Course Materials ($ varies by course)

Is LIC Really More Affordable?

At LIC, we want to make your education as accessible as possible. That’s why we offer lower tuition than other online colleges.
Here’s how tuition for a complete bachelor’s degree at LIC compares to tuition for other online degree programs:

Tuition for Online Degree Programs

Many colleges with online bachelor’s degree programs are charging upwards of $60,000 for four years of tuition.
A degree at LIC costs nearly 22% less than a degree at SNHU and even less compared to other online degree programs

Our mission is to reduce the barriers to degree completion. We know that finances are critical to many students’ educational decisions.
When you choose LIC, you choose much less debt — and much more financial freedom!

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